Professional & Personal Goals Ranking
Top 10 Personal Goals:
1. Be able to influence others in a positive way
2. Have a great family life
3. Never have to worry about money or bills
4. Be successful in all endeavors
5. Be independent in all aspects of life
6. Become rich and famous
7. Pass College w/ 3.5 or above
8. Live in a foreign country
9. NO health issues
10. Own an island in paradise
Top Five Personal Goals:
1. Never have to worry about money!
2. NO health issues!
3. Be successful in all endeavors!
4. Influence others in positive way!
5. Live in foreign country!
Top Ten Professional Goals:
1. CEO Major Corporation
2. First Women President of USA
3. Own Michelin Star Restaurant
4. Win Top-Chef America
5. Make it on the Forbes list
6. Start a non-profit culinary school
7. Influence aspiring chefs to fulfill their dreams
8. Personal Chef for Famous Person
9. Celebrity Chef Icon
10. Study Abroad in Foreign Country
Top Five Professional Goals:
1. Own Michel Star Restaurant!
2. CEO Major Corporation!
3. Personal Chef for Famous Person!
4. Start non-profit culinary school!
5. First Women President of USA!
Top Five Professional & Personal Goals:
1. NO Health Issues!
2. Never have to worry about money!
3. Own Michelin Star Restaurant!
4. Be successful in all endeavors!
5. Live in foreign country!
Overall, the list above is what I have narrowed my top five professional and personal goals too. Number one would be to have no health issues because since a young age I have endured many rare issues out of my control. Next, money is a social issue among millions of society members. Living worry free of having to make rent, insurance, groceries, and other bills would make things a lot easier. My top two goals are personal because I tend to put my feelings second, but I am learning that is not the best way to go through life. My third goal is professional and would assure myself I am an excellent chef and all my long hours of training and expensive classes have paid off. Michelin chefs are respected and often viewed as role models or world-class chefs. Also, being successful in all endeavors is a way for me to know I am influencing others and that all is possible. Having a positive mindset through life will make me a happier person and motivated to make the best out of life. Finally, my last personal goal would be to live in a foreign country. I plan to experience different cultures and get a feel for how people live all around the world. Some people have limited resources or rare items not found everywhere. I would love to be able to learn to adapt to different places, explore the world, try many different cuisines, and make the best out of life. My list was difficult to determine, but in the end I have more personal goals than professional.
Goals (Things To Accomplish)
1. Graduate JWU w/ 3.5 or above earning Bachelors Degree
2. Money never to be an issue again!
3. NO health issues!
4. Influence others in positive motivating way!
5. Live in foreign country!
Values (Core Beliefs)
1. God
2. Happiness
3. Family
4. Trust
5. Communication
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